Aiden ~ Book I

Chapter Eleven Skinny Dipping

Thanks for returning. Aiden learns from some older boys what is like to be

a horny adolescent.

 After Sunday dinner, Aiden sat in his favorite recliner in the all-purpose

room reading "Flush". Phil sat on the loveseat reading a Jonathan

Kellerman mystery. He was also trying to figure out if he would reclaim

ownership to what had been his favorite recliner for years, or if Aiden had

somehow laid permanent claim to it. Larry was upstairs in his office working

on preparing lessons for the opening of school on Tuesday.

 Aiden suddenly slapped his book closed. "I'm going upstairs to mess

around on my computer."

 "Have fun," Phil told him. "Just don't let it take the place of your books."

 "Never. My books are my friends just is." He headed for

the stairs, his tight white briefs emphasizing the beauty of his young ass.

The lad has certainly set his own dress code, Phil thought as he watched

the underwear clad boy bounce up the stairs. He seemed to think that

wearing more than a pair of underpants was being overdressed. Phil

suspected that as the weather cooled down he might give in to adding a t-


 Not long after Aiden went upstairs, Larry came down. He and Phil talked

about what had become their most common subject and that would be

Young Master Aiden, as they were calling him. He was dominating their

lives, but in a good way. They were grateful to have the boy living with

them, baggage and all.

 About an hour later, Aiden gave his signal that he was ready to be tucked 

About an hour later, Aiden gave his signal that he was ready to be tucked in. "I've got it, Larry said."

 He arrived in Aiden's room, finding his nephew's bed covers turned down to

his waist. His bare torso was smooth and thin and boyish. Larry could see

Aiden's ribs, but not because he was skinny. He looked healthy, but he also

looked like a young boy.

 "We need to set your alarm," Larry said.

 "What for? Tomorrow is a holiday."

 "You have a haircut scheduled at nine."

 Larry could see the disappointment on Aiden's face. "But, tomorrow is a

holiday," Aiden said again. "The barber won't be open."

 "He owns the barber shop. He can be open any time he wants," Jerry said.

"He's going to close at noon and is only open to catch the last-minute

before school haircuts."

 "So, you should have made my appointment for one o'clock."

 Larry laughed and showed Aiden how to set the alarm. "We'll reset it for

school time on Tuesday night."

 "Okay." Apparently Aiden can handle getting up early for school better than

getting up early to get a haircut, Larry thought.

 He ruffled Aiden's shaggy locks and then said: "How about we go to the

Mayfield Café for breakfast after you get shorn."

 "I don't know what shorn is, but it doesn't sound cool. Eating breakfast out

sounds cool though."

 As was now expected and part of the routine, Larry pulled the covers up to

Aiden's chin. "Did you have a good day?" Larry asked.

 "Yeah. Marty is awesome. He told me he was sure Horace missed me."

 "Do you want me to read to you tonight?" The question was another

expected part of the routine.

 "No thanks."

 Larry kissed his nephew on the forehead. "Good night, Aiden. I love you."

 "Good night, Uncle Larry."

 Larry turned out the light and closed the door. Aiden looked up into the

darkness. Uncle Phil loves me, he thought. And Uncle Larry loves me. And

Marty loves me. I never had so many people love me all at once. He smiled

to himself, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


 The haircut ended up being not as horrid as Aiden had imagined. Jerry was

friendly and funny. He was able to draw Aiden out and seemed to be

genuinely interested in what he had to say. Aiden was happy that Jerry

didn't cut his hair too short. It still was thick and hung across his forehead

and had some body on the sides and back. He had told Larry on the way to

the barbershop that he would scream if he ended up getting a buzz cut.

 Breakfast was good, as well. The stack of three huge Mayfield pancakes

was more than Aiden could eat, but they tasted great, as did his sausage

and his glass of cold milk.

 Before heading home, they stopped to pick up Gordon. The two boys

grinned widely when they saw each other, and bumped fists as Gordon

joined Aiden in the backseat of the Honda.

 The rest of Labor Day consisted of waterskiing, swimming in the pool,

picnicking, playing video games, and finished with a rousing four-way game

of Monopoly.

 They went out on the boat first. After getting back to the house from

boating, Phil saw the voicemail light flashing on the phone. The call was

from Flo Lansing, Gordon's mother. Phil called her and got a bit of bad


 "Stacy, our regular babysitter, called and said something had come up and

she couldn't stay with the boys tomorrow," Flo told Phil. Phil translated that

as Stacy found out her boyfriend was available for the day. "And my

husband, you, Larry, and I certainly can't leave staff day. I've called a

couple of other girls and they said they were busy."


"It's hard to believe they'd turn down a day's worth of babysitting money,"

Phil observed.

 "I don't know what do to. I hope you have some ideas, or the boys might

have to hang around with us in school all day."

 "Wow, wouldn't that be a disaster," Phil chuckled. "And I mean for them, not

for us. Let me talk to Larry and see what we can come up with."

 When Phil explained the dilemma, Larry knew exactly whom to call—

Hurricane Jeffrey himself. While he didn't have the Hurricane's phone

number on his contact list, he did have his father George's number. George

Bednarzyk was the president of the Mayfield High School booster club and

a personal friend. George answered the phone on the third ring.

 "Hi George. I'd like to speak to Jeffrey if I could."

 "Sure. He and Sammy are in the den reading."

 "Is it my imagination, or are kids reading more these days?"

 "I know my boys like to read, not that they don't love their video games,


 "Before you get the Hurricane, I want to make sure my plan is okay with

you." Larry told George that he wanted to hire Jeffrey as a boy-sitter for two

nine-year-olds the next day. George was good with the plan, adding an

amendment of his own, and called Jeffrey to the phone.

 The fifteen-year-old's response ,after Larry told him what he needed, was

what Larry predicted. "Cool. I knew you and Coach Miller would hire me. I

have to bring Sammy, though, since I'm supposed to keep him from getting

half the girls in seventh grade pregnant tomorrow," he chuckled.

 "That's what your dad told me, at least the part about you watching him."

 "Can we do it at your house instead of Gordy's house? I don't know

anything about Gordy's house, but it's supposed to be another awesome

day tomorrow and you have a swimming pool."

 "Sorry, kid, but to my knowledge you're not trained in life saving or CPR, so

no can do."

 There was a brief moment of silence, and then Jeffrey said, "Okay. I just

thought I'd ask."

 Larry was surprised at Jeffrey agreeing so quickly—that wasn't his usual

style. Larry headed for the deck to tell Phil they had a boy-sitter. He just

started opening the sliding glass door when the phone rang. He sighed and

turned around to answer it. It was Jeffrey.

 "Hey, Coach. Nick worked as a lifeguard at the Kentburg Community Pool

this summer, which I think makes him qualified to help me out. He says he

can do it. We'll split the money so it won't cost you an extra dime."

 Nick McCall was Jeffrey's on again-off again boyfriend and full-time best

friend. Nick was sixteen and an incoming junior who had an excellent

chance of being a varsity starter on the baseball team in the spring. Nick's

older brother, Noah, had played for Larry in middle school and in high

school. He was a junior at Stanford University.

 Larry now understood why Jeffrey hadn't put up an argument about the

boys being at the coaches' house. "That sounds great, Jeffrey, but Gordon

and Aiden have soccer practice at three. They can walk there from

Gordon's house, but will need a ride from here to practice."

 "Nick has his license."

 "He's sixteen, which means he has a restricted license."

 "Okay. I just thought I'd check."

 Once again Jeffrey had been uncharacteristically compliant, only this time

Larry was certain that Jeffrey was already two steps ahead of him with

another idea.

 Larry headed out to the deck again, expecting the phone to ring any

minute. It took a little longer this time, and he was out on the deck when it

rang. Anticipating the call, he'd carried the handset with him.

 "Hello, Jeffrey."

 "Chandler is eighteen, so he doesn't have a restricted license. He can pick

us up at two-thirty." Chandler Ecklund would be leaving for college in a

week. He was the starting and winning pitcher in the State A Championship

game the previous spring. "He can't spend the day cuz he has other plans,

but he can pick us up."

 "You seem to think of everything. But, you still need to get out here."

 "Me, Nick, and Sammy will ride our bikes out and ride them back into town

after Chandler picks up the munchkins."

 "You're a tough negotiator and you're hired."

 After hanging up he realized that they still needed to get Gordon out to the

house. A call to Gordon's mother solved that problem. She'd drive Gordon

out to their lake house before heading to school for the day of meetings.

Larry and Phil would have to negotiate with one more youthful negotiator

before the day was out.

 On Tuesday morning, Richard Lansing dropped Gordon off at the coaches'

house just after eleven. Aiden had spent fifteen minutes at his window

perch in anticipation of his friend's arrival. He leaped to the door to greet

Gordon and his father.

 "Are you sure you and Flo don't want to spend the day here?" Phil asked

Richard. "We have lots of food and the lake is perfect for waterskiing." Larry

had left go pick up food for their picnic.

 "Thanks, Phil. We'll take you up on it another time. We plan on enjoying

some time alone in Centralia." He looked down at his son. "And you be

sure to behave yourself."

 "Dad," Gordon said somewhat petulantly, "I always behave myself."

 "Have fun, then."

 "You mean me and Gordy have to try to have fun when we're being good?"

Aiden giggled. Both boys knew that their behavior on the boat would have

to be perfect or the boat would return to shore for the day. Larry and Phil

had both emphasized the importance of safety and doing what they were

told when out on the water.

 "That's the idea," Phil told him. "It's all about growing up to be big boys and

being responsible." Phil wanted to correct Aiden's grammar gaff, but he and

Larry had agreed to keep their corrections private and not embarrass the

boy in front of his friends.

 The day ended up being a great one for everyone. The food was plentiful,

the boys improved their waterskiing skills, and the early September

weather was perfect. The boys behaved perfectly when out on the boat,

and were polite and well-behaved on shore as well. They were noisy and

raucous in the pool, of course, but that was expected behavior for two

young boys playing in a swimming pool.

 However, the boys did conspire among themselves to come up with what

they thought was a no-brainer of an idea. "Since Gordy is here right now,

and since he's going to be here again tomorrow morning, do you think he

could spend the night?" Aiden asked.

 "Yeah." Gordon agreed. "That would be perfect."

 At that point Phil and Larry came up with every reason they could conjure

up as to why an overnight was not a good idea. Their objections ranged

from Aiden still getting used to his new home, to Aiden never having stayed

overnight with a friend, to nine years old being too young for an overnight,

to Gordon not having clothes, a toothbrush, and his soccer gear, to Gordon

having to get his parents' permission, to the kicker based on information

Gordon admitted to, and that being that Gordon had never stayed overnight

with a friend either.

 The boys had a suggestion of their own. They pointed out that it would be

easier for everybody if Gordon was already at Aiden's house in the morning

and the two of them had to have their first overnight sometime, so why not

do it when it helped everybody.

 Phil was about to pronounce the final "NO" when Gordon's parents arrived

to pick him up. Phil and Larry watched helplessly as the two boys ran up to

Richard and Flo, inundating them with their overnight plan, the reasons for

their overnight plan, and the two of them pleading their case in unison.

When Aiden and Gordon finally came up for air, Richard and Flo looked

over to Phil and Larry for guidance.

 "They haven't said no yet," Gordon told his parents. He didn't mention that

they hadn't said yes, either.

 But for bad timing we were ready to, Phil thought, not without amusement.

Much to the surprise of Phil and Larry, Richard and Flo agreed to the plan,

as long as Phil and Larry wholly supported it. Larry looked at Phil and gave

him a shrug that said, "Maybe it's time we loosened up a bit."

 "Well, we weren't too sure about this," Larry said, "but you two are the

experienced parents. If you trust Gordon, then we'll trust Aiden." The

whoop from the boys shook the high ceiling rafters of the multi-purpose


 "BUT...," Phil and Richard yelled at the same time. The boys' chatter

stopped and they looked at their parents.

 "But, there will be rules," Richard said. "Was that what you were going to

say, Phil?"

 Phil replied that it was. Rules were laid down, the two young boys accepted

those rules knowing that if they didn't accept and obey them it would be a

very, very long time before their next sleepover, and the glee and

happiness returned. Aiden and Gordon ran up to Aiden's room to discuss

their surprise overnight.

 "Thanks so much for doing this," Richard told Phil and Larry in private while

Flo listened in. "I know you were reluctant to take this on, and I apologize

for not stamping my foot down. You're both brand new to parenthood, but

you've both worked with kids, even if they haven't been as young as those

two. I know Gordy will behave, and from what I've seen of your new son, I

think they'll do just fine together."

 "Better to get the first one out of the way now than when they're eleven or

twelve and full of spunk," Larry said, bringing a laugh to all four. Larry's play

on words didn't elude anybody.

 "We'll take the boys to our house so Gordon can get clothes, his soccer

gear, toothbrush, and whatever. Then how about we stop at the Bear on

the way back and pick up pizza for all of us for dinner," Flo said.

 "I like how you think," Phil told her. "We'll call in an order while you take the

boys and deal with business." They called Aiden and Gordon down, figured

out how much of what kind of pizza to order, and then Richard and Flo took

the two excited boys.

 "Do you think they'll get any sleep tonight?" Larry asked.

 "Hell, do you think WE'LL get any sleep tonight?" Phil laughed. "You and I

are the ones who have to get up for work in the morning."

Phil and Larry had the dining room table set with plates, glasses, and

bottles of soda from their basement refrigerator, and a container of ice

when Richard, Flo, and the boys returned. It didn't take long for the pizza to

be laid out and for the six of them to dig into it.

After eating, the boys took off for Aiden's room while the adults talked in the

living room. Although the late summer day had been a warm one, it didn't

take long for the air to cool in the evening. Larry and Phil asked a lot of

parenting questions as they worked to get the benefit of Richard and Flo's

wisdom and experience.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Gordon helped Aiden empty his boxes and put away

his books, clothes, and what games and toys Aiden had. They turned on

Aiden's new computer and surfed some soccer sites, in particular the

Seattle Sounders site, as Gordon offered what he knew about playing

soccer. They speculated on what practice would be like the next day and

about their first game coming up on Saturday.

"You have some cool books," Gordon said. "I like to read, too. I've read a

lot of the books you have."

"You can borrow some if you like," Aiden offered, much to his own surprise.

He saw his books as precious gems to keep and enjoy forever.

"Thanks. What's the best one there?"

"I don't know what the best one is. The best one always seems to be the

last one I read. The last one I read is `Hoot', so it's the best one and you

can borrow it." Aiden pulled the book off of the second shelf on the

bookstand Phil had brought into the room. "But, you have to promise to

bring it back, because I'm reading the next book."

"I totally promise," Gordon said, raising his right hand as he would in court.

Aiden handed him the book and Gordon carefully placed it into his


"I hope the night isn't horrid," Larry said downstairs as the evening came to

a close.

"We have faith in Gordy to do the right thing," Richard said. "Now it's time

for you to have some faith in your new son."

"But we were boys once—granted we didn't overnight when we were nine,"

Phil said, "but boys will be boys."

"Speak for yourself, I overnighted at nine," Larry reminded his husband.

"And I even behaved myself."

The boys were called down. Gordon was thoroughly embarrassed by

parental hugs and kisses, and Aiden was embarrassed even more when

Flo gave him a motherly hug. Once Flo and Richard left, Aiden announced

that he and Gordy were returning to his room and raced back upstairs.

"Now that your mom and dad are gone we can strip to our underpants."

"Cool," Gordon grinned. "Your uncles won't get mad?"

"Nope. I can run around in my underpants any time I want except when we

have company like your parents."

The boys resumed what they'd been doing, only now Gordon was in a pair

of white Hanes briefs while Aiden was wearing green briefs with yellow

trim. "Those are cool underpants," Gordon said. "I wish I had colored


"Ask for them," Aiden said matter-of-factly.

"Good idea."

The boys kept taking surreptitious glances at each other's crotch area,

trying to see what they could through the cloth of the briefs. While they'd

seen each other naked, they were still curious about each other in ways

they didn't quite understand.

When bedtime arrived, they took care of their teeth, and went down to say

goodnight to Phil and Larry, who weren't at all surprised to see two boys

clad only in their underpants and socks.

"You don't have to tuck me in tonight," Aiden said.

"You're right," Larry grinned. "One of us is going to tuck you both in."

"Okay, but give us a couple of minutes," Aiden conceded. He felt he'd done

his duty by showing off his independence to Gordon, while still getting a

good night tuck and kiss from one of his uncles.

After they returned to the bedroom Aiden nonchalantly kicked off his briefs

and tossed them in the hamper. "I sleep naked," he announced.

"I sleep in my PJs," Gordon informed his friend. "But I didn't know I was

going to spend the night, so I didn't bring them."

"You can sleep in your undies or you can sleep naked like me."

Gordon's answer was to give Aiden a wicked grin and then kick off his

underpants. "Will your uncles get mad?" he asked.

"They won't know as long as you put your underpants in your backpack or

your gym bag." Gordon put them in his gym bag with his soccer gear and

the two boys climbed into Aiden's queen bed in the nude. Both of them

liked the idea of going to sleep doing something naughty. "They never

know I'm sleeping naked," Aiden assured his friend, totally unaware they

knew exactly how little he wore under the covers.

Larry was the one to tuck them in. He was amused to see the covers pulled

up past the boys' waist and just under their bellybuttons, just as Aiden liked it. Larry ruffled both heads, pulled the covers up to their chins, and gave

them each a kiss on the forehead. Tired out from their long, active day, the

boys fell quickly to sleep. 

"How did the tuck in go?" Phil asked.

"Fine. If those two were any farther apart in that bed one of them would be

on the floor."

"How were they dressed?"

"Bare from the waist up. I suspect in their undies from the waist down."

"Me too," Phil chuckled. "Thankfully, they are not yet pubescent horn dogs."

"The boys were pretty good tonight. It looks like we avoided disaster," Larry

grinned as he and Phil prepared for bed.

"This time," Phil said. "Pandora's box is now open and we will not be able

to stuff the evils of overnights back in."

"You know you love it," Larry chided him.

"Yeah, in fact I do. I think it's going to be another one the of joys of raising a

boy, even on a bad night."


Larry didn't have Aiden set the alarm, figuring he'd wake the boys up after

he and Phil took care of their morning business. Phil had gotten up early to

jog and was stepping into the shower as Larry went across the hall and

knocked on Aiden's door.

"What?" came a muffled voice from the bedroom.

"Time to get up."


"Come to the door, or I'm coming in to get you up."


Larry opened the door and was surprised to see Gordon half draped over

Aiden. There had been a lot of movement the during the night, but the boys

were still covered by the sheet and blankets. He shook Aiden's bare

shoulder. "Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes. See you then."


"I need better than an `umff'...I need something in English."

"I'm gonna get up." Aiden's eyes suddenly popped open. "What's Gordy

doing on top of me?"

"It looks like he's sleeping," Larry laughed.

Aiden moved out from under Gordon who fell lightly to the bed. "What

happened?" Gordon asked sleepily.

"You boys learned the complications of sleeping with someone else. Now,

get your butts up. You can shower after breakfast." Larry started for the

door and then stopped. "Don't make me have to come back up to get you."

His threat was greeted by silence. He decided he'd made his point and left.

"I guess we gotta get up," Aiden told Gordon after Larry left.


"I dunno. It's not like we can't pour our own cereal for breakfast. And we

don't need to be awake when our sitters come. It's dumb."

"Then let's go back to sleep."

Aiden let out a resigned sigh. "Him or Uncle Phil will just come and drag us

out of bed."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. And they'd see us naked and that would totally


Aiden pulled back the covers and got out of bed. He went to the hamper

and pulled out the briefs he'd worn the day before. "No use putting fresh

ones on until we shower," he explained. Then he looked at Gordon and

giggled. "You were sleeping on top of me when we got woke up."

"I couldn't help it."

"I know, but it was funny."

Gordon got out of bed, reached into his gym bag and pulled out his briefs

and Aiden started out the door. "Wait, don't we gotta have a t-shirt on to


"I ain't wasting a t-shirt when I haven't showered yet. Let's go," Aiden


Gordon shrugged and followed his grumpy friend out of the room. Phil and

Larry were eating when the boys entered the kitchen. "Boys, t-shirts at the

table. Aiden knows that. Get something on," Phil scolded.

"I told you," Gordon told Aiden as they left the kitchen.

"They are a nice looking pair of boys in their state of undress," Larry said,

chiding his husband who had an eye for young boys.

"Just like in that story I read on Nifty the other day, I use the three-second

rule and have used it for years, without it having a name. The story laid it

out and called it that—the three second rule. Besides, you use the same

rule for the older teens."

"Too true. We both have our weaknesses, I guess."

"And we both know enough to look for three seconds and forget it."

Larry agreed as the two boys returned, dressed "appropriately" for

breakfast in t-shirts, briefs, and socks.

"Where are our sitters?" Larry wondered as Phil got his things together to

leave for work. Phil had a forty-five-minute drive to Centralia and the

County Roads office.

"I'm sure I'll pass them on the way to the highway," Phil speculated.

He had barely gotten the words out when the doorbell played the opening

to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. "You gotta get a different doorbell," Aiden

complained as Larry went to answer the door. "That music is lame."

"Never fear, the Hurricane is here," Jeffrey announced as Larry opened the


"Along with his sidekick and his brother," Nick grinned. "Nothing like having

superheroes arrive to look after wild boys." Sammy grinned and waved.

Phil admonished the trio to behave as he left for his truck. Larry spent more

time with them, laying down the rules and the law. The three nodded as if

they understood and would obey every rule.

"Jeffrey, I know how you think," Larry said to the sophomore. "Gordon and

Aiden are young boys who just turned nine and are off limits, okay?"

"You got it, coach. Look but don't touch."

Larry gave the three of them the three-second-rule. "I understand horny

boys, so behave. The rule was told to me by a man named Nick." He didn't

bother telling him it was in a story about boys coming of age. "Look for

three seconds and move on."

"We're hungry, coach," Jeffrey said.

"You're growing boys. It's your role in life to be hungry. There's plenty of

cereal and fruit for breakfast and Coach Miller made sandwiches for lunch.

Feel free to empty the chip bags." Larry then left for the staff day at school.

"Maybe we should check on Gordon and Aiden and see if they're alive,"

Nick said.

"You should have verified that before the coaches left," Sammy smirked.

Gordon and Aiden were just finishing their cereal when the trio of

adolescents entered the kitchen.

"It's about time you got here," Aiden grumped.

"You could have come out and greeted us," Jeffrey told him.

"We were eating."

"You look good in your underwear," Sammy said. "I think that's what I'm

wearing." Before the two teens could say anything, the twelve-year-old

started stripping down to just his boxers. "Now that's more comfortable."

"What is it they say?" Jeffrey asked. "When in Rome, do what the Romans

do? No use letting the little boys be sexier than us."

"Who are you calling a little boy?" Sammy growled.

As Gordon and Aiden cleaned up their dishes, they watched Nick and

Jeffrey strip down to their boxers. Aiden shrugged and pulled off his t-shirt

and Gordon followed suit. Everybody was now wearing just underpants and


"Are we still skinny dipping?" Sammy asked.

"Skinny dipping?" Aiden asked.

"Hell yeah," Jeffrey said. "Your pool is private—nobody can see it from the

road or the lake, and big boys like to skinny dip."

"See," Sammy grinned, "he just called me a big boy."

"I dunno, my uncles might get mad," Aiden said. He continued to be a bit

intimidated by Larry and Phil. After a week of living with them he was

starting to feel somewhat comfortable in his new environment and didn't

want to make them mad and kick him out.

"Who's going to tell them?" Jeffrey asked.

Aiden grinned. He liked his boy-sitters and could tell that this was going to

be a fun day.

"When are we going out to swim?" an impatient Sammy asked.

"It's still kinda cold for swimming," Jeffrey answered. "Let's watch TV or

play video games or something. Too bad we don't have any porn movies."

"We can watch porn on the internet," Sammy said. "I mean Aiden got a

computer for his birthday, right?"

"I'm sure the coaches put parental controls on it," Nick said.

Aiden indicated that Nick was correct. Things were happening quickly

around him. The older boys were leading him and Gordon into new

places—kind of like Parker and Tim did at the foster home, only better.

With the sitters everything seemed to be naughty and fun, not dirty and

ugly like it was with Parker and Tim.

After watching some television for a little over a half-hour, Sammy let

everybody know he was bored. "Let's go swimming. The pool is heated and

if you don't want to get cold, then don't get out of the water," he said in a

whiney voice. He was prone on the floor, his pubescent bubble butt

prominent through his red and white striped boxers.

"If we're going skinny dipping, we'll need to get naked first," Jeffrey pointed


Sammy jumped up to his feet and peeled off his boxers, the twelve-year-old

revealing his half-hard pride and joy. "I was first...who's next?"

Nick yanked down his boxers, his flaccid cock hanging four inches. The

sixteen-year-old had a nice bush of pubic hair and the beginnings of a

treasure trail. His low-hanging scrotum had scattered hints of hair. "Next!"

he called out.

Aiden looked over at Gordon, who looked right back at him. They both had

a deer in the headlights look on their faces. Suddenly, they were going from

naughty to nasty—this was different from sleeping naked in bed together.

The two nine-year-olds stood up but made no attempt to remove their

briefs. While they stood frozen, Jeffrey took off his boxers, the fifteen-year-

old revealing five inches of hard teen cock.

"Jeffrey's got a boner," Sammy giggled, just in case anybody missed it.

"Well, it's just you guys now," Jeffrey pointed out to Aiden and Gordon.

"Do we have to?" Gordon asked.

"Nope. You never have to do anything that you don't want to."

"Didn't you guys spend the night together last night?" Sammy asked. Both

boys nodded. "Did you get naked?"

Aiden and Gordon exchanged glances, and then nodded at once.

"Did you mess around?"

"Sammy, that is none of your business," Nick scolded.

"Well, they were naked in the shower after swimming at the party, and they

were naked last night, so why can't they get naked now?"

"Would you have gotten naked in front of big kids when you were nine?"

Sammy pondered the question, then gave an honest answer. "Probably


"They don't want to do it, they don't have to do it, so just let it drop."

"Well, I'm still gonna skinny dip, cuz I'm not nine any more...I'm twelve and

a stud." He went to the stairs and headed to the basement and the pool

with Nick following him.

"Are you guys going to get your swimming shorts on or are you going to

swim in your underpants?" Jeffrey asked.

Aiden wondered why skinny dipping had seemed like a great idea a while

ago and now it seemed really scary. Nick had said that he didn't have to do

anything he didn't want to do. Well, he did want to get naked, so what was

he afraid of? Maybe he was afraid of somebody being like Carl or Parker

and trying to touch his junk. Nick said he could trust them not to do that if

he didn't want them to, so he wasn't going to be afraid.

"I'm going to swim in this," he announced, and he pulled his briefs down to

his ankles and stepped out of them. "It's my birthday suit," he giggled.

Gordon looked at his friend and grinned. Now he could get naked, too, just

like he did the night before when Aiden got naked. His briefs came off, and

the two pre-teens tore down the stairs giggling with Jeffrey hot on their

naked little tails.

The skinny dipping before lunch consisted of five boys ranging from nine to

sixteen dunking, wrestling, swimming, and having a general good time.

They couldn't help accidentally touching each other's junk and asses.

There were also some intentional gropes, but it involved only the three

older boys—they made sure not to grab Aiden and Gordon. The two

youngest boys knew there was naughty stuff going on and secretly wanted

to be a part of it.

As noon approached, Jeffrey asked Aiden to help him get lunch ready. Phil

had made sandwiches the night before. The sandwiches, along with potato

chips and some of Phil's "World Famous" lemonade, were laid out on the

big table in the patio area.

"It would be easier to eat on the deck." Aiden told Jeffrey. "Then we

wouldn't have to drag it all downstairs."

"But the deck isn't private and we'd have to put pants on," Jeffrey


"Nobody's gonna look at us. There's only a couple of boats on the lake and

not many cars go by. I think you'd almost have to stop your car to see

anything from the road." Jeffrey gave Aiden a knowing smile as three cars

went past the house as Aiden made his case. Jeffrey knew that Mayfield

Lake Drive could be a very busy road. "Okay, maybe sometimes more cars

go by."

"How about a compromise," Jeffrey said. "Let's set everything up on the

kitchen table, then everybody can come up the inside stairs, get their food

and drink, and go back down to the patio to eat."

"Sounds good. Can I get some sodas from the downstairs fridge?"

"Doesn't bother me any. Coach Miller is the big lemonade freak."

Lunch went smoothly as the boys enjoyed the food, drink, and warm sun on

their naked bodies. They were talking quietly about school starting the next

day, sports, and going back into the pool.

Aiden found his eyes constantly on Gordon. He loved seeing his new friend

in the nude more than the two teens with their long hairy cocks or Sammy's

maturing boy bits. It wasn't that he thought they weren't cool to look at, it

was just that Gordon seemed special in some way. The somewhat quiet

interlude was interrupted by a phone chirping.

"That's my phone," Sammy announced. He got out of his seat and walked

over to the small table where he'd set the phone. "Oh wow, cool beyond

cool. I got a text from Susan Fielding. She is so fine—I can't believe she

texted me."

"I can't believe she hasn't succumbed to your studliness," Jeffrey kidded his

younger brother.

"All I said was she's fine. But she's kinda stuck up. Todd Carter says he felt

her boobs a couple of times, but I think he's lying. I tried getting friendly

with her, but most of the time she acts like she's too cool for me."

"Well, what does she want?"

"She wants for me to call her," Sammy answered excitedly.

He walked over to the deep end of the pool and sat on the pool deck,

dangling his legs in the water, and called the girl's number. As Sammy

jabbered on the phone, Aiden and Gordon eased themselves into the water

on the shallow end of the pool.

"Jeffrey, can I get on my bike and go see her?"

"No. Remember what dad said?"

"Please. She says nobody is home, and she'll let me kiss her if I come right



"Since when are you so good about shit?"

"Since dad said I was supposed to make sure you don't go to some girl's

house when the rents aren't home."

"You used to be a nice brother."

"I still am. Come check out my bed tonight."

Sammy flipped his older brother the bird and went back to talking on the

phone. While Sammy had become a bit wild as he hit puberty, he still was

reluctant to cross his father or his surrogate.

"Sammy's getting a boner," Aiden whispered.

"Cool." Gordon was becoming enamored with the twelve-year-old's

constant erections. The two nine-year-olds made their way to the deep end

of the pool. Nick and Jeffrey were observing Sammy's tumescence and

nodded to each other as he started to stroke himself while he talked to the

twelve-year-old girl on the phone. 

"Yeah, I'd play with your boobs if I was there," Sammy said. "I didn't know

you let boys do that to you."

There was a pause while Susan talked. Aiden and Gordon were at the

deep end now, hanging on to the pool to either side of Sammy, who

seemed unaware of their presence. 

"My stupid brother won't let me come," Sammy whined. "I told him we

wouldn't be doing any sex stuff," he lied.

Aiden had a hard-on of his own now and was rubbing himself underwater.

Gordon looked past Sammy's legs and saw the movement of Aiden's hand.

Not to be outdone, he started rubbing himself as well and was quickly


"I'm sitting by the pool," Sammy said. "I got a boner." Pause. "Yeah, you

gave it to me and we've been skinny dipping and now I'm playing with it."

Pause. "Nobody much, just some other guys and my stupid brother and his

stupid boyfriend who won't let me come over to your house." Pause.

"You're naked now, too? Shit, I'm seriously jerking off now." Sammy's hand

was flying. "It would be so fun being naked together. I'd be sucking on your

boobs and everything."

Gordon and Aiden weren't totally sure what the conversation was about,

but they knew enough to be able to ascertain that it was really sexy. "Fuck

yeah, I'd jerk off in front of you," Sammy said. "I'd even let you jerk me off."

Pause. "You could suck my dick, too."

Jeffrey and Nick were now close enough to Sammy that they could hear his

end of the conversation. They also noticed the two younger boys

masturbating under the surface. "Your brother is such a romantic," Nick

said in Jeffrey's ear.

"When did my brother become such a dick?" Jeffrey asked Nick. "I liked

him better when he was ten."

"Admit it, you like him now because he's a lot sexier," Nick told Jeffrey.

Jeffrey's leer was all the answer Nick needed. The two teens were hard

now as well.

"Fuck, I'm close to cumming," Sammy hissed.

Aiden pulled himself out of the pool and, in a perfect imitation of Sammy at

his birthday party, thrust his hips, jerked his little two-inch nail, screamed

out, "I am so horny!" and did a cannonball into the pool.

The water splashed up on Sammy. "Shit, you little fucker, you got me all

wet." Sammy's hand didn't stop though, as Nick, Jeffrey, and Gordon

laughed at Aiden's antics.

Aiden paddled up to Sammy, stopping between his legs. Sammy ignored

him—even after the cannonball disruption he was too close to orgasm to

stop masturbating. The phone was laying on a dry part of the pool deck;

Aiden could hear a voice coming from it. It sounded like it was saying,

"Sammy? Are you there Sammy?"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," the twelve-year-old's soprano voice screamed as

he shot strings of clear, watery boy cum—some into the pool and some

onto Aiden's face and hair.

"Ewwww, it landed on my face," the horrified nine-year-old howled.

"You look funny." Gordon pointed to Aiden and laughed.

"You look sexy," Jeffrey shouted out as he fired his teen emission onto the


As he ducked under the water to remove Sammy's spooge from his face,

Aiden heard a voice yell out from the upper deck, "You guys got some kind

of an orgy going on down there?"

"Oh, shit," Nick cried from both pleasure and fear as his body shook with

his own orgasm.

Next: School and Sports

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